Crystal Light Bed

Experience the transformative power of our Crystal Light Bed from Abadiânia, Brazil at OxygenWell Hyperbaric and Regenerative Medicine Center. This unique healing modality combines the therapeutic benefits of light, color, and crystal therapy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

What is the Crystal Light Bed?

The Crystal Light Bed is a cutting-edge wellness device featuring seven clear quartz crystals, each aligned and cut with a vibrational frequency with each of the body's seven energy centers, or chakras. These crystals are specially cut and programmed by master healers in Brazil to emit healing energies. During a session, colored lights corresponding to each chakra shine through the crystals, directing energy into your body and promoting balance and harmony.

Health Benefits of the Crystal Light Bed

  • Chakra Balancing: The Crystal Light Bed helps align and balance the body's chakras, facilitating the flow of energy and promoting overall well-being.

  • Deep Relaxation: The combination of light, color, and crystal energy induces a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety and enhancing mental clarity.

  • Enhanced Healing: By stimulating the body's natural healing processes, the Crystal Light Bed supports physical recovery and rejuvenation, helping to alleviate pain and discomfort.

  • Emotional Release: The gentle energy from the crystals can help release emotional blockages, fostering a sense of peace, emotional stability, and inner harmony.

  • Spiritual Connection: Many users report a heightened sense of spiritual awareness and connection, as the Crystal Light Bed facilitates a deeper connection with one's inner self and the universal energy.

What to Expect During a Session

During a Crystal Light Bed session at OxygenWell, you will lie comfortably on a bed while the crystals are positioned above you, aligned with your chakras. The session typically lasts 20 to 60 minutes, during which you will experience the soothing effects of the colored lights and crystal energies. Many clients find the experience deeply relaxing and restorative, with lasting benefits for their physical and emotional health.

he fascinating similarities between the spiral structures of quartz crystal lattices and human DNA highlight the natural geometric patterns found in nature. The silica composition common to both quartz and the human body underscores the interconnectedness of living organisms and the Earth. By designing specific quartz cuts, it is possible to harness and direct energy in ways that can benefit both technological and holistic practices.

Effects on the Water in the Body

  • Water Structure and Vitality:

    • Water, which makes up about 60-70% of the human body, can be influenced by external energy fields, including those generated by quartz crystals.

    • Well-organized vibrations resonating from quartz crystals help to organize the water in our tissues and cells.

Marcel Vogel's Contributions to Crystal Therapy

  • Innovations:

    • Marcel Vogel, a pioneer in crystal therapy, spent his lifetime investigating quartz crystals and invented micro fiber technologies that transmit information through the vibrations of light.

    • His research transitioned our civilization from the machinery/iron age into the computer and light age.

  • Experiments and Findings:

    • Vogel designed experiments demonstrating the power of crystals to affect physical processes. His work and that of his associates proved several key principles:

      • Constant Vibration: A precisely cut quartz crystal produces a constant vibration matching the frequency of water in its purest state.

      • Resonant Interaction: Moving water can pick up the vibration from the crystal through resonant interaction, which restructures the water.

      • Intent and Water Structure: A cut crystal can be charged with intent to structure water. Given that humans are made up of approximately 70% water, this has significant implications for our body and health.

By understanding and utilizing the unique properties of quartz crystals, including their ability to influence the water in our bodies, we can potentially enhance our health and vitality in profound ways.

Why Choose the Crystal Light Bed at OxygenWell?

At OxygenWell, we are committed to providing holistic and integrative wellness solutions. Our Crystal Light Bed from Brazil is a unique addition to our range of therapies, offering you an opportunity to experience profound healing and balance. Whether you are seeking to alleviate stress, enhance your energy, or support your overall health, the Crystal Light Bed can be an integral part of your wellness journey.

Discover the healing power of crystals and light at OxygenWell Hyperbaric and Regenerative Medicine Center. Book your Crystal Light Bed session today and embark on a path to greater harmony and well-being.